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Hey guys:

Getting ready to run a stack of Osta, LGD, and S-4.

I have an AI on hand but am reading that I shouldn't use it during the 8 weeks.
My plan is to take a basic cycle support during just for good health. After I am planning to run a Serm and test booster for 4 weeks followed by maybe 2 weeks of an AI just to rid any of the excess estro from pct if any.

Any input would be great
Yeah no use in stopping at only 8 weeks. Also an AI really isn't necessary as sarms don't aromatize. What serm are you running? Best to run clomid and GW after for your four week pct along with a good test booster like D aspartic acid.

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sarms do not peak until week 8 so stopping at that point makes no sense whatsoever... i'll make it very easy for you.. here are the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout...

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 mk2866 25 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 tongkat ali

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Yeah no use in stopping at only 8 weeks. Also an AI really isn't necessary as sarms don't aromatize. What serm are you running? Best to run clomid and GW after for your four week pct along with a good test booster like D aspartic acid.

Anything after taking pct with that test booster? No rebound dropping it all at once like that right? (Tapers off as shown below in a comment I know)
Yeah no use in stopping at only 8 weeks. Also an AI really isn't necessary as sarms don't aromatize. What serm are you running? Best to run clomid and GW after for your four week pct along with a good test booster like D aspartic acid.

Anything after taking pct with that test booster? No rebound dropping it all at once like that right? (Tapers off as shown below in a comment I know)

Just run everything like the layout Dylan gave you above
Yeah no use in stopping at only 8 weeks. Also an AI really isn't necessary as sarms don't aromatize. What serm are you running? Best to run clomid and GW after for your four week pct along with a good test booster like D aspartic acid.

Anything after taking pct with that test booster? No rebound dropping it all at once like that right? (Tapers off as shown below in a comment I know)
rebound from a test booster?? i think you are confusing something OR over thinking it... that's literally nothing to be be concerned about whatsoever
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