What's your stats? If your ectomorph and you're a hard gainer then you need to up your caloric intake and train with primarily compound movements and no cardio. If you are a Mesomorph you need to shock your body with intense training and get your diet on key. What's your diet like how often do you eat, what is your total caloric intake? For my hard gainers I tell them they need to get up in the middle of the night and eat a meal ( my favorite is 3 pb&js with a big glass of whole milk or pasta with meat sauce) or drink a high caloric shake. Most importantly is you need to have patience quality muscle takes years to grow, quick muscle that comes through water retention is only temporary and you're right back to where you started from once you come off the roids usually followed by injuries and mental problems. I'm not saying the AAS don't come in handy but not yet, Train hard, eat hard, rest and recover and stay focused.