
low test

  1. M

    FIRST CYCLE EVER! Excited! needs advice!

    I'm very happy I found this forum. Read a lot about sarms and I am very stoked to start. I have 2 other buddies who want to cycle the same stuff so we can compare results. I'm really just looking for the safest sarm, with the least amount of sides. I don't care how slow gains come. I just want...
  2. thejdg

    Is 250mg of Test/week too low?

    Hey guys, Stats: 6'2" 202lbs, 37yo. Approx 11% body fat right now. Cardio: Running Intermittent Fasting, HIIT Cardio about 4x/week. Resistance: Lifting 5x-6x/week. Diet: High Protein, Low Carb, Calorie Deficit with Carb Cycling & one cheat meal once every 10 days. History: I've tried HGH...
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