
andarine s4

  1. S

    Currently on AC-262, add another SARM to my cycle? Advice, thanks

    I'm currently on Day 9 of my 12-week, 25mg ED AC-262 cycle, which is my first experience running SARMs. So far, I’m feeling good, and the cycle is going smoothly. My main goal is to maximize lean muscle mass gains, so strength and pumps are secondary for me right now. I´m 25M. I have enclo on...
  2. D

    First SARM Advice

    Hey All, Looking to run my first SARM, and specifically looking at S4. Current State: Age: 26 Height: 6'2" Weight: 213.2 lbs BF%: 15.4% Background: Have been lifting for 11 years and have my routine and recently my diet in check. I've taken all the basics in the past (pre workout, creatine...
  3. G

    Sarms recomp diet macros

    I eat about 4700kcal each day . What macros ' distribution would you suggest ? The biggest problem is that if I would use for example 30% of protein I would eat 353g of protein that are really too too much so what do ? I'm using 100mg ed of andarine,10mg of lgd 30mg of rad and 20mg of gw.
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