
anavar and test cycle

  1. J

    Sarms Triple Stack vs Test Anavar Primo and triple stack for high BF

    I am currently 33 years old 6 foot 4 inches 280 lbs 25% bodyfat on my bodyfat meter Omicron I want to build lean muscle and cut up, I am not sure I want to lose weight because when I lose weight I lose potential strength gains, my diet is very clean, I only eat lean proteins like chicken, lean...
  2. M

    Female cycle: Rad/Anavar/Test

    Hello, sorry for the long post, im trying to be as accurate as possible. I am looking for some advice on this cycle. Before I start, I am female, & i know most on here will say this is not recommended for females, however i’m aware of the sides, am being monitored by a hormone doc, & know when...
  3. C

    anavar plus test cycle

    Hello, Dylan Man i really admire your work, have learned a lot from your YouTube channel.i am planning to run test + anavar cycle (6 weeks) followed by pct. i have been working out from last 4 years, this will be my first cycle My body stats are:- Age 24 Height 171cm weight 72 kgs body fat% 16...
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