

  1. R

    2nd Cycle Advise

    Hi Sir, After sending mails and getting no revert thought to switch to forum I have been watching your Videos on youtube from last few weeks and i must say that i have gained a lot of Knowledge which i never expected that someone will share and make us understand in such perfect way, I am...
  2. P

    Do you measure blood pressure at home?

    Hi, everyone. I need your advice. My wife wants us to have a blood pressure monitor at home, cause she extremely worries about me:D So probably, she is going to measure my blood pressure every day:D Anyway does somebody use it? What brand can you recommend?
  3. J

    Advice on Cutting Cycle

    Hello, I am looking to lose body fat but still gain some lean muscle. The main goal is still fat lose though. I am 6'1" 213 pounds and about 15%-16% body fat. I want to do a cut with sarms but do not know the best stack for it. I wanted to definitely include SR-9009 and GW-501516 in the...
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