

  1. S

    Currently on AC-262, add another SARM to my cycle? Advice, thanks

    I'm currently on Day 9 of my 12-week, 25mg ED AC-262 cycle, which is my first experience running SARMs. So far, I’m feeling good, and the cycle is going smoothly. My main goal is to maximize lean muscle mass gains, so strength and pumps are secondary for me right now. I´m 25M. I have enclo on...
  2. D

    First sarms cycle advice

    Hello I’m a 21 year old male I have never touched any PEDs before but I’m planning to take sarms for first time . My goal is to recomp ( build dry lean muscle and burn fat) For aesthetics my stack : Acp-105 starting dose 10 mg to 20 mg max Cardarine : 20-25 mg Dhea as test base Question...
  3. Mark Diesel


    I’m sure this question will end up with a detailed response from Dylan, but I’m super curious about ACP-105? The anabolic:androgenic rating, side effects, what it can do, etc. Thanks
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