I hope Dylan wouldn't mind me jumping over this one, since it relates to Pharmacokinetic parameters (Bioavailability).
First I'd like to say it's really a superb question, it's nice to see some well formulated curiosities, we take kindly of that. So allow me to explain why the answer is "It's not a problem at all, SR9009 is still very effective" and it pertains to the relationship between
oral bioavailability and MED (Minimal Effective Dose). I will also provide a link to the very same publication people that say this, rely on.
99% of orally ingested medications are eliminated to some degree before reaching the bloodstearm. I.e. you would only get 100% bioavailability if you inject a material directly to your blood vessels (DO NOT inject SARMs, please);
Now, having said that, I'll give you two examples.
Vicodin has an oral bioavailability of roughly 25%, meaning if you take 10mg dose, 0.75mg are not absorbed. But we do know you would DEFINITELY feel a dose like that. So would you say that a patient taking Vicodin because he has pain post car accident is wasting his money and time? Ridiculous, right? Yes, I know you're going to say "But SR-90009 is 97.8% not absorbed" - I'm getting to that.
Next -
Clenbuterol which is a great anti asthmatic drug, but let's take an abusive dose (which we do not recommend dosing with, here) for an athlete - 80mcg (notice, that's
micrograms), which means that a HUGE dose of 80mcg is only 0.00008grams. Now Clenbuterol has a great oral bioavailability close to 98%, which means you may get close to the full dose.
Now compare. If you absorb fully 80micrograms (0.00008grams) of Vicodin, you would feel nothing, but if you consume 0.25mg, or 250 micrograms (!!!!) of Clenbuterol - you could die, I would be surprised if you didn't. actually.
Connecting the dots. The research cited (1) does state roughly a 2% oral bioavailability for SR-9009; At 30mg daily application you get 0.03grams daily, or 30000 micrograms bioavailable to you; Let's say you only absorb 2% - you get only 0.6mg daily, or 600micrograms (600mcg of Clenbuterol will kill a horse);
The better question to ask is
Is this enough for an actual effect? like it is if we compare it to Clenbuterol?
This is where it gets slightly more complex, since the activity of the SR-9009 related compounds act not directly by receptor activation but indirectly by peptide recruitment.
"These data raise the intriguing possibility that the different peptide recruitment profiles of the compounds may result in distinct biological activities...The investigation of these possibilities is beyond the scope of this paper."(1)
Meaning whomever told you about this as an issue has no idea how to
interpret scientific data, since the publication did not state at all if the low bioavailability means that it is ineffective, they didn't even test the effectiveness on the human body.
As a "science guy" (fuck I hate saying that shit) I believe that the best way to answer that question is by harnessing others' experience. Did SR-9009 actually make an effect? Seems like a no brainer

Simply ask around and see.
Hope this helps.
Optimized Chemical Probes for REV-ERBα
Ryan P. Trump,†* Stefano Bresciani,‡ Anthony W. J. Cooper,† James P. Tellam,‡ Justyna Wojno,‡ John Blaikley,§ Lisa A. Orband-Miller,† Jennifer A. Kashatus,† Helen C. Dawson,† Andrew Loudon,¥ David Ray,§ Daniel Grant,† Stuart N. Farrow,† Timothy M. Willson,† and Nicholas C. O. Tomkinson‡