
Blood test results and next SARMs cycle


New member
I finished my first SARMs cycle 6 weeks ago and followed it up with the four week mini PCT. I'm planning on starting my second cycle next week with recomp as my main goal. Here is the cycle I'm planning on running.

mk677 (wk 1-12) 25mg daily
LGD-4033 (wk 1-12) 10mg daily
MK-2866 (wk 1-12) 25mg daily
GW-510516 (wk 9-12) 20mg daily
SR9009 20mg daily (4 – 5mg doses)
DAA (wk9-12)
Clomid 50/25/25/25 (wk-13-16)
GW-510516 (wk 13-16) 20

I just got a blood test to see were my numbers are following the last cycle. I'll probably get another test at the midpoint of this cycle. I still have some shoulder/back acne from the first cycle, but it might from the antibiotics I've been on the last 15 days.

What do you guys think of my cycle and numbers?

Thanks for your time.


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where did you get your sarms? did you get pre cycle bloods? its hard to say if we have nothing to work with from prior to the cycle... which sarms did you use on your last cycle? i love the new cycle plan... keep in mind you need to run 677 for a year without cycling off as well...
where did you get your sarms? did you get pre cycle bloods? its hard to say if we have nothing to work with from prior to the cycle... which sarms did you use on your last cycle? i love the new cycle plan... keep in mind you need to run 677 for a year without cycling off as well...

The previous cycle was the 12 week healing and recovery stack(lgd, osta, 677) from sarmsx. I've been running 677 for about 4 months now. No didn't know about bloods before my last cycle, all part of the learning curve.

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The previous cycle was the 12 week healing and recovery stack(lgd, osta, 677) from sarmsx. I've been running 677 for about 4 months now. No didn't know about bloods before my last cycle, all part of the learning curve.

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Your bloods all look pretty good to me bud. I don't see anything alarming or anything concerning at all
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