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  1. C

    Starting my first cycle

    appreciate it! do I need any support while I'm on the stack?
  2. C

    Starting my first cycle

    awesome, apologies if these were dumb questions haha. thanks for all the help!
  3. C

    Starting my first cycle

    sweet so does the dropper have tick marks showing the amount?
  4. C

    Starting my first cycle

    awesome! thanks for the reply brother! so ive never taken liquids before, whats the best way to administering them? taking the individual liquids and cleaning the oral syringe after each product? like for example rad 20 mg then clean out then lgd 10 mg? or can I mix the liquids and take it all...
  5. C

    Starting my first cycle

    Whats going on ladies and gents! So I'm looking to start my first sarm cycle and before I get into what I'm looking for, info about me. im 5'7" sitting at 148 lbs lifting for 5 years now. I have taken dmz 3.0 before as well as 4.0. I'm looking to build lean mass / strength and I'm not...
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