What’s the reason behind s4 dose being cut in half? Only 25mg/ml, now need at least 6 bottles to run a 12 week cycle.
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What's up everyone, been away for a while.
I'm gearing up to run a cycle and I'm wondering where to get GW and MK now for PCT. I'd rather not run anything unless I can put together a full PCT.
I saw Sarms1 selling sarms in capsule form but obviously have my suspicions of that brand and...
Thank you everyone for the support, I apologize I have not been able to give more updates. One week into my bulk eating about 300-500 calories over maintenance. Skin folds have not changed but my my weight is up 2 lbs. I have been eating a couple cheat meals a week and it is surprising to see...
Been really busy over the past month with my new job and school. I've made some progress. Weight has stayed right around 150 give or take a pound. Skin folds have dropped 2mm between the 3 fold site test. I will be switching from a recomp to a bulk and dropping the s4. I have 3 bottles left...
What's up guys,
I finally got everything together and will be starting my recomp cycle tomorrow. I've been eating at about 100 calories below maintenance over the past couple weeks after bulking for about a month and a half. I started at 137 lbs roughly 12% BF and am now at 149lbs probably...
The new legal prohormones are garbage. They do not do what they claim, trust me I ran 1-andro and 4-andro prior to learning about sarms. Basically sugar pills that did nothing for me. Huge waste of money.
It all depends on the person but the sarms will definitely increase your recovery. When I was running s4/gw I think I went a solid 7-8 weeks before I deloaded and I was in a 500 calorie deficit. I do a deload when I feel like I have stalled with progressive overload. For example if the same...
I weigh out all food raw then divide by the number of meals I prepped for after I cook it. For example if I have 5 oz of chicken 7 days a week that is 35 raw. Whatever the cooked weight is after I divide that by 7 and divvy it up accordingly.
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1. For me it was barely anything but everyone is different. I did have a little trouble with my eyes adjusting light to dark.
2. The only other sarm you can increase dose on is RAD.. The range is 10-30mg I believe. Every other one you want to stick to the dosing dylan and rick laid out.
I wouldn't bump it to 75mg right away. I'd do it incrementally to 60-65 for a week to 2 weeks then increase again to 75mg. You'd still want to split your total mg between 2 doses for the day. I believe the max dosage for s4 is 100mg a day though the sweet spot is 75-80mg.
Glad to share guys. I think it's good for everyone to see how light the suppression is from s4 and how easily you bounce back. The d-aspartic acid and clomid worked amazingly to bring natural test levels back up. Honestly cant wait to see what tongkat does during my next cycle. It'd be...
2 weeks after pct:
Test is actually higher than it was pre cycle which is pretty amazing. Estrogen is on the high end and I'm pretty sure it's because I've been using Braggs amino acids to flavor one of my prepped meals. Cutting that out and switching to coconut aminos which...
Sounds awesome man. Last time I ran s4 I started feeling the strength around week 3 and the muscle hardening within the first 2. Everyone is different though and it generally peaks around week 8.
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Thanks CC. I will be keeping a close eye on my nutrition throughout so I can adjust accordingly. Always been skeptical of recomps because they defy the laws of physics to a degree lol.
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