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  1. RK77

    Quick Guidance. New to Forum.

    I would also train for another while and get a good grip on diet etc.. AAS isn't just about getting it and trying it but mainly about preparation and good timing. Some guys never even consider AAS ( depending on the goal and overall situation ) and instead opting out for SARMS! Good luck with...
  2. RK77

    cheat meals

    Exactly...I agree! In my opinion everyone's doing it their own way and that's about it. Cheat meal isn't just about carbs but also fat sugars etc..that being said already it's about goals. A lot of people eat it because they are being disciplined the whole week ( and it's not easy for everyone...
  3. RK77

    Mk-677 vs CJC-1295+GHRP-6 as HGH Alternative

    I am going with MK-677 too....will keep you updated!
  4. RK77

    First LGD-4033 & MK-677 12 weeks cycle log...genuine inside info

    Nice...keep it up man. Nothing compares to the wave of endorphins & dopamine after workout ")
  5. RK77

    First LGD-4033 & MK-677 12 weeks cycle log...genuine inside info

    Haha awesome your enthusiasm...we're on the same boat! Gainzzz
  6. RK77

    First LGD-4033 & MK-677 12 weeks cycle log...genuine inside info

    Cheers mate..appreciate your comment! Believe and mindset does a lot & I do believe so let's see if all this is what I am expecting to be!
  7. RK77

    First LGD-4033 & MK-677 12 weeks cycle log...genuine inside info

    Good question ") This is my first experience with SARMS so I went with two top suppliers on the scene and it was all basically based on their customers reviews..I believe in my instincts but I could be wrong. We'll find out soon..... PS My rat is doing well so far haha
  8. RK77

    First LGD-4033 & MK-677 12 weeks cycle log...genuine inside info

    First LGD-4033 & MK-677 12 weeks cycle log...inside view on SARM effectiveness Hey guys, in order to help all the members who are possibly considering running SARM cycle here's some personal experience & facts without exaggeration. For starters some numbers: Age: 39 Weight: 240 Height: 5' 11"...
  9. RK77

    First SARM cycle in consideration.... any advice highly appreciated!

    I will defo share the results in order to help the other guys ")
  10. RK77

    First SARM cycle in consideration.... any advice highly appreciated!

    Again, thanks for the advice fellas. Placed my order already using Dylan's links & looking forward the potential improvements! Thumbs up
  11. RK77

    First SARM cycle in consideration.... any advice highly appreciated!

    Hey guys! New to this forum & new to SARMS, in search for an advice. Being at age 39, 5' 11", 240 lbs and cca 16% bf I am now stronlgy considering 8 - 12 weeks LGD-4033 solo run. I am lifting since i was 19 years old ( almost 20 years ), always maintained healthy lifestyle, never took any AS...
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