Haha it was weird to me to hear at first too, but that's what he said in my last appointment and there's no reason for me to make that up. He said he administers steroids to like half the police force and fire fighters as well. He's able to do it and so rather than people buying from sketchy...
Appreciate the link! My doctor said he'd be fine prescribing clomid as well. It would be about $9 through insurance. Not sure why Rick said it was unlikely. He also administers steroids for people that want them and guides people through their cycles and does blood tests and whatnot. Is that not...
Thank you so much for your response. A couple quick questions for you if you don't mind --
I've always been confused when people speak of recovery, are they mostly referring to/concerned with losing their gains? Or are they referring to/concerned with your body restoring its natural production...
Hi all,
This was the start of my first cycle ever and I was in the middle of the following cycle:
S4 50mg Week 1-12
Lgd 10mg week 1-6
MK-677 6-12 10mg
RAD-140 6-12 25mg
I basically took S4 and LGD for 6 weeks, then eliminated LGD, and took MK-677 and Rad-140 along with S4 for two weeks...
Actually that's a good point. But to clarify, I am still in pretty good shape, just basically lost muscle mass and added a tinnnny bit of flab hah. I guess my main fear is shooting past my 150 lean, toned goal far before the cycle ends.
Thanks for responding!
Hi all,
I'm a 138 lb male and my goal really isn't to bulk much or increase much in size, but just increase in overall tone and strength.
My goal would be to be 150 lb and super toned.
I used to be a CrossFit trainer until I took on an office job, and now having worked in an office for the...