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  1. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Today is Monday 24th September and it is Day 29. Woke up this morning with a crazy pump in the chest and arms. Thought it was going to be a great day in the gym. A few days ago I managed to injure myself doing leg presses by bringing my knees to close to my chest causing lower left rib pain...
  2. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Today is Thursday 20th September and it is Day 25 Managed to buy some Dandelion Root & Plant extract tablets from a local health shop last night. They were not cheap but nothing is in Hong Kong so went with it. I will buy some plain and simple Dandelion pills when im in the UK next week to...
  3. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Thanks Dylan, I will do exactly that. Today is Tuesday 18th September and it is Day 23 Weight was up to 80.8 kg's a couple of days ago and its today 80.7 kg's so the weight seems to have stabilized for the first time since starting this experiment. As Dylan recommended, im going to add in some...
  4. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Today is Monday 17th September and it is Day 22. So I decided last Saturday to try taking 12.5mg of MK 677 & MK 2866 in the evening and see what the effects would be like. Saturday night was the night of 1,000 farts.....quite literally.....I would have been at around 37.5mg for that day in...
  5. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Hi 9th Wonder. I think im re-evaluating the goal on this cycle because cutting back is very tough. My weight has been progressively increasing and this morning im up to 80.7 kg's which was another surprise. So today is Friday 14th September and it is Day 19. Had a decent breakfast as I did...
  6. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Thursday 13th September - Day 18 Pull day at the gym today. Had a good 1 1/2 hour session although strength is no better than when I started this experiment. I also was not able to do any more than usual. Weight was up quite surprisingly this morning to 80.2 KG's. Still taking the...
  7. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Wednesday 12th September - Day 17 Feeling much bulkier today in the biceps, triceps and chest and a bigger than normal pump has been progressively gaining throughout the afternoon and now evening. There has definitely been some progress since starting this experiment....far more than would have...
  8. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Hi 9th Wonder.....I would agree that there is definitely rapid repair with taking the MK's. My elbow has been bad for quite some time and it was only after taking the MK's that the elbow healed up.....I hope that once im off the cycle the pain does not come back !
  9. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Tuesday 11th September - Day 16 This morning the weight was 79.1 kg's. Didnt feel any fatter around the waistline but then didnt feel as if I have lost any belly fat either. Legs felt totally dead after getting out of bed....and today was leg day in the gym ! Had the usual breakfast...
  10. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Today is Monday 10th September and it is Day 15. Woke up with absolutely no energy at all, probably because after last nights hike, I had only a protein shake. That was a BIG mistake.....Had the usual 7am MK's followed up by my usual smoothie and two slices of toast and honey. Really struggled...
  11. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Today is Sunday 9th September and it is Day 14. The itching on the top of my big toes has got worse and no creams have been helping. I noticed that exposure to hot water makes it worse as well as itching the toes. Cold Airconditioning really helps to calm it down. I’m now convinced that this is...
  12. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Today is Saturday 8th September and it is Day 13. Yesterday was rest day and I’ve decided to take today and tomorrow off to rest as I’m aching from the heavy Mon - Thurs workouts. Will be hitting the gym hard on Monday. Nothing really new to report. Don’t feel as if anything has changed in the...
  13. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Ive decided to push the MK 677 from six weeks up to six months depending on how things progress based on RickRocks comments. I will continue to run the MK 2866 but for twelve weeks instead of the original six weeks plan. Rather than just asking questions and not reading other posts, ive seen...
  14. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Hello RickRock, Ive been thinking the same about the shortness of the cycle of MK 677 having read a lot of your posts. I will continue the MK 677 well after the six weeks, but will it also be OK to continue the MK 2866 Ostarine as well or should I come off the Ostarine at six weeks ? If I do...
  15. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Thanks for the advice Dylan. Ive done some googling and it does seem that I must be low on potassium. It explains which i get dead fingers during the night and why I also twitch quite a bit in the hands and feet / legs before going to sleep. The twitching has been going on for a while, but it...
  16. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Just thought I would mention that I get “numb fingers” during the night when I’m asleep whilst on this cycle. When I wake up , I have to wiggle my fingers around a bit and then the numbness goes. Today ( day 9 ) I’m still getting very hungry. Ended up eating far too much for dinner again...
  17. Noddy73

    Diary MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine

    Starting a Six Weeks Diary taking MK 677 Ibutamoren & MK 2866 Ostarine. Starting weight 76kg's ( 167 lbs ) Height of 5'11". Worked out for the past 3 yrs and dropped from 85kg's 3 yrs ago to 72kg's 18 months ago and now up to 76 kg's. Before 3 yrs ago...never worked out. Age : 45 Bodyfat...
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