Sounds to me you really need to read and educate yourself, no offense but you sound really clueless.
You talked about using oral only steroids not a good idea unless you are going to use a test base or you are on TRT.
Decided to try and use the new Semi-Quantitative roid test for Nandrolone decanoate.
Results show its Nandrolone but not sure about the concentration. The test is suppose to show an approximation for the concentration.
Its suppose to be 350 mg/ml.
Where do they come up with this shit?
Also ED injections with long esters makes zero sense (I know I know ?I want to keep my test levels steady?)
fucking idiots
So you want to run an oral steroid without a test base, great idea
Rad and LGD both suppress test levels then your going to take d-bol on top of that really smart idea.
Please do some research and educate yourself on what you are doing. SARMS should be run for 12 week cycles to maximize the...