Being honest I know my body and I'm not being stupid/careless with it, I eat very clean and healthy and organic and get all the nutrients that my body needs etc. daily, I take all precautions while on cycle I've also got a very good metabolism and immune system, I love bodybuilding naturally...
Hey guys,
My stats are:
age 21 /height 6ft /weight between 73-75kg /body fat 8-9% cycle history did one short cycle of dbol only (first cycle because was curious about AAS and didn't want to use needle) then did a 10 week cycle of test and dbol in adequate time after first cycle. goals...
Hey Dylan,
I have watched and used your videos in the past for advice on cycles and for information purposes because you are good at going into the detail of things.
I have experience with anabolics like testosterone and dianabol and I am planning on trying a cycle of prohormones soon.