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  1. M

    Are SARMs good for healing shoulder impingement problems?

    Thank you! And are these SARMs able to heal shoulder impingement specifically? Are they used for impingement problems or mostly against tears/ruptures, etc...
  2. M

    Are SARMs good for healing shoulder impingement problems?

    Hey guys, I just wanted to ask if you think SARMs are good for healing shoulder impingement? I have constant problems with my shoulders (impingement subacromiale) and despite doing corrective exercises religiously, nothing seems to help. Do you think a combo of NUTROBAL, ANABOLICUM and OSTARINE...
  3. M

    Rapid Healing - How To Heal Your Injuries FASTER

    Sorry, I am confused on the names. I guess they are SARMs then? Anyways, thanks for the stack!
  4. M

    Rapid Healing - How To Heal Your Injuries FASTER

    Thank you so much for these awesome replies! I am going to look into the peptides you have suggested and get my hands on them to do some research on my.....rat. Thanks once again!
  5. M

    Rapid Healing - How To Heal Your Injuries FASTER

    Thanks for the awesome reply! MK677 looks very promising. I gave up on TB500 because of the cancer related stuff but I am still leaving BPC157 open... My patellar tendon got inflamed from going back to the gym after not training legs for over a year and then doing squats and jump squats. I got...
  6. M

    Rapid Healing - How To Heal Your Injuries FASTER

    Hey guys, it's Mozart. I have a pretty detailed question and I hope this will create a nice discussion about injuries, healing, etc... I have been suffering from 2 extremely annoying injuries for a couple months now - shoulder impingement (impingement subacromiale) + patellar tendon...
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