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  1. K

    SARMs cycle (LGD-4033 stacked with MK-677)

    Ok this looks good and will do it this way - I was contemplating running a 6 week cycle of clen before this - would you recommend this or have any information regarding it
  2. K

    SARMs cycle (LGD-4033 stacked with MK-677)

    Hi - I am about to begin SARMS cycle of: 16 weeks total. 5mg Everyday - LGD 4033 8 weeks. 25mg Everyday - MK677 8 weeks. 8 weeks off. I was wandering what a suitable PCT would be? I have watched the The Complete Guide to Post Cycle Therapy (PCT): By Dylan Gemelli on youtube and am wandering...
  3. K

    Triple Stack (S4, Ostarine, GW501516) PCT

    Thanks bro ! Quick question - Is it okay to cycle GW for 15 weeks as will be doing it for 12 during the triple stack ?? I have done a bit of reading and it suggests taking about a month off after PCT - is that correct?
  4. K

    Triple Stack (S4, Ostarine, GW501516) PCT

    Hello :) I am just about to start my first 12 week cycle on S4, Ostarine and GW501516. I am having trouble finding good info on exactly what is needed in a PCT for this. I am going to run the sarms for 12 weeks have 3 week PCT then 4 weeks off - can someone confirm if this is a good way of...
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