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  1. W

    Low Test Levels Helpp

    it was in the 600s bro
  2. W

    Low Test Levels Helpp

    na bro i see that i didnt mention it but i did use aromasin for the last 2 weeks. I do listen man lol Can you help me on what I should do now lol Should I do another full PCT or would just taking POST CT do the job?
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    Low Test Levels Helpp

    I did add aromasin in there once I was told armidex was no good in PCT. Idk what ur talking about bro I've pretty much followed protocol
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    Brandon Hardings Steroid Cycle

    Damn he takes a lot of shit lol. Dosages on the injectables see kinda low which is a bit suprising but he's using heavy dosages on the orals ouchh
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    Low Test Levels Helpp

    Hey guys So i did my last shot of NPP and Test E 12 weeks ago, waited two weaks to let easters clear and did a PCT with Nolva Clomid and Post CT for 4 weeks. Exactly 4 weeks later I get bloodwork and my Test levels come back low at 375 and FSH low at 1.3 (normal range 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL) My LH...
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    Feedback on upcoming Cut

    What about if I drop the winstrol and keep the masteron in there?
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    Feedback on upcoming Cut

    Hey guys, been a while I posted. Last cycle was my 2nd cycle I did was back in Febuary of NPP and Test E and 2 weeks of anadrol (Sides were too much). I'm planning my upcoming summer cutting cycle and wanted to get some feedback ideas. Stats Age- 27 height - 5/10 weight- 180 lbs BF%- 13-14%...
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    Enerting PCT

    One question i have dylan for you, is should I also use HCG even if I'm using POST CT already?
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    Enerting PCT

    Okay I'm using aromasin instead of armidex. been 3 weeks since my last shot of TEST E and About a week into PCT and I'm noticing I'm not getting as many errections as I was on cycle, Ive dropped about 6 lbs and look even better in the gym now. Going to start taking the sarms i need for PCT, I...
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    Enerting PCT

    Hey guys, So I just finished up 12 weeks of NPP (450 mg) and Test E (500 mg) with prolactin and aromasin and made some great gains, added about 13 lbs going from 180 to 193. Only side effects that I really experienced was snoring and a little breathing problems while sleeping but labido was...
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    Cruise or PCT?

    Oh okay, I just wasnt sure if doing a pct even for a short amount of time allow the endorince system to recover.
  12. W

    Cruise or PCT?

    Hey guys wrapping up my second cycle of NPP and Test, I tried doing anadrol but only got two weeks in and couldn't handle it anymore (poor mood was affecting my work too much). I'm on week 11 rn and got another week left, I was running 450 mg NPP but I was having breathing problems and snoring...
  13. W

    Too much blood?

    Hey guys so entering my 5th week of NPP/Test and my hands at night seem to lose blood and become very numb. Also in the gym when I hit chest, my forearms become every tight and it gets hard to workout. Do i need to maybe dounate blood? has anyone else ever experience this before?
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    Can't train due to PIP

    AS soon as my delt recovers I'll be back in the gym killing it So i think I'm continue to pin. It just feels like wasting gear rn because I cant train although I did do some light legs yesterday
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    Can't train due to PIP

    Also another question I had for you guys is how should I do my eating, I was thinking about just keeping the carbs and fats moderate to low and keeping the protien high but I was know for NPP to work properly, you need calories, but you also need to work out lol. What do you guys recommend?
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    Can't train due to PIP

    Yeah bro 25 G 1 inch needle
  17. W

    Can't train due to PIP

    I think max it'll take a week or 10 days for my shoulder to recover. It has gotten better as I'm able to move it but there is still a lot of pain. Can I run NPP until maybe I receive my order of Deca
  18. W

    Can't train due to PIP

    Hey guys I started my npp and test p cycle with anadrol. I injected the first three shots of 2 CC into the the glues and have moderate pip but that's happened to me every cycle for a couple weeks and then I can inject there no problem. Because neither of my glutes was ready for an inject and...
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    Traveling with gear

    oh okay I was just thinking that since professionals do shows all over the place that might be okay to travel with them. do they probbly shit their stuff out too u guys think
  20. W

    Traveling with gear

    I thought people had done it lol i was gonna be running NPP and Test P every 2nd day but im goin to Hawaii for 5 days. damn How should i manage that
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