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  1. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    Day 6: Slept in until 7am after yesterday's events. Took dose 15 minutes after that. Headed to the track for some intervals. 4x800 @ 6:30 pace. Still no endurance boost or any other boosts for that matter. Got through 3 of them at 6:45-7:00 pace, and couldn't even finish the last 800. Tomorrow...
  2. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    The SR is just a little too pricey for my blood at the moment. Working on it, though. :) I'm hoping that my next 12 week cycle will include SR... As long as I see results from the GW during the first 12 weeks, which I'm sure I will! Thanks bro.
  3. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    Awesome! Thanks bro. Much obliged.
  4. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    The problem is I have poor genes. I'm genetically preconditioned to be overweight. Each and every male in my family is. I've developed a little bit of a belly over the past year. It's not huge, but it's noticeable to me. Others say they don't see it, but those are loved ones that tell me what...
  5. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    You and me both brother! Quick question for anyone reading... What diet would you guys recommend on GW? What type of macros should I be aiming for? My wife is a vegan, and half of my meals are all veggies, and no meat. A quarter of my meals are meat and veggies, and the last quarter border on...
  6. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    Day 5: I was going to start my new training program today, but I forgot my wife had a big race this morning. She did pretty well. The race started at about 6000 ft, and went 4000+ ft up to just over 10,000 ft. She was 121 overall, 21st overall female, and 4th in her age group. She's a podium...
  7. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    Thanks bro. The journey continues. Day 4: I planned an off day today with some light work. I took my dose at 7am when I awoke. I slept in a little after yesterday's race. I accidentally shot it too far into the back of my throat (lol, I feel some dirty jokes coming on), and it burned like...
  8. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    No, I know it's just because I'm out of shape. And like I said in a previous post, I know it's something that isn't going to happen overnight. I'm putting in the work, and I'm giving it time. Anytime a block has been put in my way, I've burst right through it. In 10 years ago this past March, I...
  9. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    Nice! I usually average pace between 6:45 and 7:00 per mile. Today, I rounded out at 8:32 per mile. Tough pill to swallow when you're used to finishing in close to 20 minutes. I believe I have exercise induced asthma. I have some deep breathing issues. As in it feels like I'm not always able to...
  10. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    I did. Like I said, I'm not giving up on it. Like with any and all things, it takes time, and I understand that. I simply disappointed myself. Regardless of the presence of GW, I should have done better than I did, but come Monday or Tuesday, I'll be back to work using the disappointment as fuel...
  11. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    It's what I was reading about the stuff, and what I was being told that I would notice it working within the first day or 2. Although, I didn't really expect it to work that quickly. I honestly haven't been expecting it to work at all. My body hasn't always given me the time of the day, if that...
  12. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    Day 3: Up at 4:45am. Had a race at 7am about an hour from my house. When I got there, I waited until 6:30am, and I took my dosage for the day. I started to warm up for the race. Ran about 3/4 of a mile... Half of it at a nice easy pace, and the last half at a speedier pace. Walked a little bit...
  13. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    Day 2: Woke up at 6:30, took my second dose at 7. By 7:30, I was doing some body weight exercises... Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, etc., along with some good stretching. I have a race tomorrow morning, so I wanted to do a light run, so I went out for a 3 mile run at 10:00 per mile pace. I...
  14. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    1st workout this morning shortly after starting this post. I haven't run in 2-3 weeks. My V02 max has never been over 52. It's currently at 50. The moment I swallowed it, I could feel it absorbing. The taste actually wasn't all that bad. I waited 30 minutes, and I got to running. I didn't...
  15. D

    My 12 Week Journey: A Diary of Sorts

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, I've decided to keep a log of my GW experience. I just dropped my first dose, and I'm getting ready to go out for a run. I'll post back when I return how it went. I've purposefully stopped running of the last 2-3 weeks. I'm pretty well out of shape. So, I should know...
  16. D

    Just Received Bottles...

    Quick question... So, I was at my dad's house tonight. He's a type 2 diabetic, and has a waist line issue. He's got neuropathy pretty bad as well. I want to help him get his blood sugar under control, and mentioned the GW. He was interested, but has a question. He's convinced that the best way...
  17. D

    Just Received Bottles...

    Perfect. I'm starting first thing tomorrow as my mail came at like 2:00pm. I'm pretty excited to get started. Haven't been for a run in over a week. Been getting antsy. Ready to get started! Thanks to all.
  18. D

    Just Received Bottles...

    Oh my bad. 3 bottles of GW. Thanks!
  19. D

    Just Received Bottles...

    Very excited. Just received my bottles. Noticed that the color of the liquid is opaque pink. It has a HEAVY alcohol scent. I'm assuming this is normal? Just want to be sure. Thanks!
  20. D

    Ruptured muscles

    Sounds like you need to have your abdomen MRIed. Sounds like it could be a pelvis issue or a torn lower abdomen. If your docs can't figure out what's wrong and your in pain and discomfort that just isn't letting up, you may want to discuss exploiting surgery with your doc. Good luck bro! Sent...
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