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  1. UserNameGoesHere

    Insulin syringes to inject steroids

    Exactly! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  2. UserNameGoesHere

    Stoped Alcohol & and shedding exsess Fat

    Good job! Question for you...Were you or are you on an e blocker? I'm on trt and drink but don't have issues until I blast gear. I know I'd be leaner if I can put down the craft beers! Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  3. UserNameGoesHere

    Is this due to tren??

    Mine is on the top of my foot. I feel it when I stretch it a certain way or if my right foot touches the top of the left. Strange feeling Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  4. UserNameGoesHere

    Is this due to tren??

    I've been having a similar issue in my left foot the last month or so. Figured it was due to pinning my quads. Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  5. UserNameGoesHere

    Tren sides

    Ed pins eliminated my sleep issues. Still sweat though and the mental sides are a bitch. 5 weeks in and this past Sunday I pinned test/tren in the wrong spot I think. BP went through the roof so I took a day off. Going to lower my dose and hopefully finish this cycle because I can't donate blood...
  6. UserNameGoesHere

    My next cycle

    I won't run tren without proviron ever again. It helps with my aggression and paranoia and makes me more "lovey" to her. It's actually helped our marriage. Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
  7. UserNameGoesHere

    Salbutamol (albuterol)

    Nice score bro!
  8. UserNameGoesHere

    Salbutamol (albuterol)

    I do but others may not approve. If you have a good supplier please pm me. My place had to shut down
  9. UserNameGoesHere

    My next cycle

    Just noticed that and good point. I would definitely start that week 1 through 4 or even 6 to 8.
  10. UserNameGoesHere

    My next cycle

    Hell yeah! You can try Kirklands Sleep Aid or time released melatonin for sleep if you don't want to pin ed.
  11. UserNameGoesHere

    My next cycle

    I love tren! My wife hates it but loves the end result. 💪😎 Adding proviron really helped with the mental sides
  12. UserNameGoesHere

    Tren and stims.

    I can only speak for me. When my blood gets thick during a cycle, stims really jack my BP but as soon as I donate, I feel much better and stims are more manageable.
  13. UserNameGoesHere

    Tren and stims.

    I get very sensitive to stims after 5 weeks on tren. The one thing that helps is donating blood every 8 weeks
  14. UserNameGoesHere

    My next cycle

    Super easy bro. However, on days I need to pin cyp, I just mix the two in a regular pin because it's usually over 1cc
  15. UserNameGoesHere

    My next cycle

    NP brother. Check out this video. It's what made me jump to ed pins using insulin needles. I can pin practically anywhere.
  16. UserNameGoesHere

    My next cycle

    Weekly is 490mg. My biggest side is sleep but when I read others not having this issue pinning ed, I decided to try it. However, I draw with an 18 gauge and back load an insulin pin. Shit is amazing and has changed the game for me with short esters. It's become part of my daily routine so it...
  17. UserNameGoesHere

    My next cycle

    This looks good. I'm planning my next bulk cycle after summer and would like to try Eq to help me eat. I will say this, ever since I started ED pins of tren... I've had zero sleep issues
  18. UserNameGoesHere


    You already have high levels of gh and igf-1 at your age. Don't really see a benefit. I'd love to have your natural levels!
  19. UserNameGoesHere

    Tren dosing ?

    Yes sir. It's a chore but now I back load an insulin pin and rotate everywhere.
  20. UserNameGoesHere

    Tren dosing ?

    Honestly, that's the biggest reason I went ed and so far I'm sleeping good. I do have some Kirklands Sleep Aid on hand just in case but haven't used it. Trensomnia is usually the first side I experience within the first week or so.
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