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  1. C

    this is all i could het my hands many a day should i take?

    i live in the uk..knowing my luck id order stuff off here and boooom customs ha
  2. C

    this is all i could het my hands many a day should i take?

    i on here last night . i wasnt able to purchase the items suggested to me . all.i could get was the letro.
  3. C

    this is all i could het my hands many a day should i take?

    couldnt get nolvadex or clomid.. 1 or 2 a day?
  4. C

    not sure if i have gyno and / or pectum excavatum - please could someone advise me?

    thanks miguel.. im quite lucky that i can get hold of all steroids and pct's..ill be on it by 12pm tomorrow
  5. C

    not sure if i have gyno and / or pectum excavatum - please could someone advise me?

    i suffer from adhd and i struggle to digest information. i went to a gym ..met the owner and bough sust 250 on his recomendation... big mistake i know. so i need all chlomid..nolva and letro. and last question..what do the numbers next to the clomid and nolva mean?
  6. C

    not sure if i have gyno and / or pectum excavatum - please could someone advise me?

    and just to be clear i need to not take anymore jabs ...just straight on to the letro
  7. C

    not sure if i have gyno and / or pectum excavatum - please could someone advise me?

    ok thanks for your help. is it a case of trial and error with pct? is it that.nolvadex might work and letro might not and vice versa?
  8. C

    not sure if i have gyno and / or pectum excavatum - please could someone advise me?

    what pct items should u purchase and should i take side with my sust 250 (4 weeks left) or stop the juice asap and start pct? thanks
  9. C

    not sure if i have gyno and / or pectum excavatum - please could someone advise me?

    does my chest look a right state for your sugestion to start pct asap or is it the fact that im on week 7? also what do you recomend? something called letro or nolvadex? sorry that im such a noob.
  10. C

    not sure if i have gyno and / or pectum excavatum - please could someone advise me?

    hi. no im not using anything. believe it or not im on 500mg a week and im on week 7. the guy that i bought the sust said i may be more susceptible to gyno as i had slightly fatty chest. he said it might just be fatty tissue. i rang his gym yesturday but i was told he is on holiday for...
  11. C

    not sure if i have gyno and / or pectum excavatum - please could someone advise me?

    hi. ive always had this small hole in my chest. it feels like my chest bone dips inwards and since ive started working out and and starting my cycle of sust 250 my chest seems to be getting hard when i work out but the lower part of my chest feels like abit jelly -ish and i think its sagging...
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