Change of plans I realize my first cycle was again, a joke at best! Due to the situation I was in. Considering I’ll be available to train with weights 5 days a week and eat properly what do you guys think about 500mg test a week for 14 weeks. Keep it simple test the waters on a second cycle...
Okay guys, based on the replies here I am thinking 10weeks 500mg test 250mg deca. Split into two shots each week. I know that’s alittle low on deca, that’s fine I want the least sides possible. My question is should I run test alittle past deca to avoid the all to common “deca dick” and what’s...
Stats and Info:
5’10 181 pounds 27 years old
Training 6 years started at 121 pounds
Test E 500mg a week 10 weeks
NPP 8 weeks 300mg a week 8 weeks
Aromasin 12.5mg eod
Tamoxifen pct 20/20/40/40
Previous cycles:
250mg test cyp per week 16 weeks
Gained 12 pounds even though 12 weeks of this was...