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  1. T

    Maybe I’m just getting old...

    Day 10 running 25mg of MK677 - Holy shit. I’ve had sleep issues my whole life. Not any more. I sleep like a baby and 7-8 hours feels 10-12. Let me be clear this is not day time drowsiness. Elevated sense of well-being, likely from the sleep quality. I’ve noticed I’m finding a couple reps left in...
  2. T

    Maybe I’m just getting old...

    Day 10 running 25mg of MK677 - Holy shit. I’ve had sleep issues my whole life. Not any more. I sleep like a baby and 7-8 hours feels 10-12. Let me be clear this is not day time drowsiness. Elevated sense of well-being, likely from the sleep quality. I’ve noticed I’m finding a couple reps left in...
  3. T

    A Novice Powerlifter New to SARMS, Questions about how to cycle and maintain health

    Agreed. What I would give for those sweet linear 5x5 gains again. I’m a little skeptic of 531 for beginners, just doesn’t give the volume they need, and most guys start running it lazy and get frustrated they aren’t seeing gains. Run linear progression as long as you possibly can! Someday those...
  4. T

    A Novice Powerlifter New to SARMS, Questions about how to cycle and maintain health

    Those goals are super attainable man. What programming are you using? Your programming is going to make a bigger difference than anything you are supplementing at those weights. Not sure if you have heard of the madcow program, but StrongLifts has a great excel copy of it. One or two madcow runs...
  5. T

    New to SARMS

    I looked at these guys when I first got interested in SARMs. They are bogus. Reports are that they are just shipping prohormones. Don’t touch that crap. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. T

    Maybe I’m just getting old...

    Yeah I’ve come to grips with the fact that I will always have a bad back. At least until science can grow me a new disc (hey maybe someday). My MRI from a couple years back showed nerve root compression, but nothing that is going g to cause permanent damage. Poor form doing daily activity is...
  7. T

    Maybe I’m just getting old...

    Dude, I know the tramadol routine. I was there. Are you cycling at all or just constant dose TRT? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. T

    Maybe I’m just getting old...

    For sure I will update. Do you have disc issues? The reason I ask is I have had great results with Dr Stuart McGill’s methods. He has a book, the gift of injury, that is amazing. I also added a reverse hyper to my gym and do it one leg at a time every day. Not sure if that has helped yet, but...
  9. T

    Maybe I’m just getting old...

    [in reply to Budda] There is so much truth to this. My back pain comes from trauma 12 years ago. I was lucky enough to just end up with a jacked up L4-L5. I hit a tipping point two years ago when I could Barely get out of bed. Doctor was saying I needed surgery and instead I chose to go a...
  10. T

    Maybe I’m just getting old...

    There is a lot of truth in this. My back issues stem from serious trauma 12 years ago. I was lucky enough to just end up with a really jacked up L4 L5. I lived 10 years in pain and lost my sense of physical wellness. It came down to two years ago barely being able to get out of bed and I chose...
  11. T

    Maybe I’m just getting old...

    Seriously though 34yr male, 190lb, 5’9” bf around 20%. I have been powerlifting for a couple years now. I’m not really looking to get crazy cut, just looking to recover from small injuries a little faster without loosing 4 months of training. I’ve had a bad back since my early 20s and I feel it...
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