Ya diet is all about trial and error to see what works for your body ie high carb,lower fat.. lower carb, higher fat.. car cycling..everyone metabolizes food differently
When I was on s4 I was in a pretty good deficit and single digits bf and still lifting heavy and some lifts actually went up .. my diet and all of that and peri workout nutrition is on point also. S4 can really shine but like others state you have to put in work
I dosed at 50 mg a day for 12 weeks and yes I did notice some yellow tint and eyes were sensitive when changing to different lighting but for me it wasnt to the point it was unbearable.
You should restrain from cheat meals until you get consistent with diet for a while and teach yourself self control. They are not needed and if you do to keep sane its cheat meal not cheat day that turns into a binge and will most likely kill your progress for the week and you will keep spinning...
Sometimes some of these posts are so out there i think it's just people trolling but then again I go to my local gym and see these type of people and believe its true again
Also when you decide to lean down again it will take way longer and it will be harder to lose the fat and in the long run will burn more of the muscle off because you have to cut for so long
In my opinion you should not be bulking at 16%bf. Your insulin sensitivity wont be as good so you will be putting on alot more fat with any new muscle you obtain. Its recommended you start bulking at leaner points because your body will utilize the nutrients better and out on more muscle than...
Yacwhen I took it I slept better and was able to eat ALOT, which is good bc of my metabolism but I didnt like that it spiked my fasted glucose levels to 95-105 range every day. When I came off it went back down to 75-80
Yes you are right and there is alot of bro-science out there. The only advice we can give you will only be a baseline and a starting point. You need to trial and error and figure out what works for your body and what doesn't. What works for me may not work for you. I cam get away with eating...