Before anyone gives you information they will want your full stats. Body fat percentage is a big one. Although most people do what they want, first cycle should always be Test only. I seen another post of yours and females shouldn’t be taking test or tren IMO
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Granted I had a lot of other issues going on at the time. But everyone is different and every TRT clinic is different.
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Again this is false. Depends on your levels when starting. Like I said mine was 130 my first ever draw and they started me at 200mg for around 6 months until my numbers got where they needed to be then backed me down to 180mg. If they would have started me let’s say 150mg I wouldn’t have get it...
Exactly. I do believe there is a stopping point for a TRT dose and 200mg should be it, anything over that you might as well start a mini cycle. At 180mg with .5mg Arimidex 24hr after injection keeps my E2 around 25-30.
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This is not true. I’m on 180mg a week and my test number is around 650. And I go to a TRT clinic and have been going there for about 2 years. My numbers started off at 130 and they put me on 200mg for about 6 months brought my numbers up to 900 then backed me down to 180mg and that’s where I...
Once he gets all stocked up he will post when he is open. I’m sure that’s why emails haven’t been answered, I bet you get a returned email soon.
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Bout to start a cycle with MGP I was just curious about possible under dosing from pharmacy test cyp and it seems like this is the case
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