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    Holding a lot of water on deca, question.

    Do you have a high sodium intake? Sodium fucks me up when I have a large amount for water retention
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    Can I Cut with DAA + Clomid + Cardarine PCT?

    oops I didn't mean that I'd run it another 12 weeks, I meant I would run it for a total of 12 weeks instead of 8. Would that be possible? What would be a good cutting cycle? and would I be able to implement it if I'm already on week 7 of ostarine 12.5 MG ED?
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    Can I Cut with DAA + Clomid + Cardarine PCT?

    So to start, I am currently cutting on MK677 25mg + ostarine 12.5 mg ED for 8 weeks. Then I plan on starting a PCT with DAA, Clomid & Cardarine. However I still need to cut another 5-10 pounds, should I extend my ostarine so I do it for 12 weeks? Or would it be possible for me to do a cut if...
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    Considering 1st cycle

    can use mk677 as a start, that is super safe and can be run for a long time. If you want to use something stronger look into ostarine/lgd4033. Pretty sure lgd is pretty compareable to steroids, isn't as strong as steroids but in the end its worth it as its much safer
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    How Much Can I Bulk On First LGD-4033 Cycle?

    awesome, i'll keep the bulk up to about 1 pound a week thanks man. do you think it'd be possible to cut during my pct with clomid if I ran GW+mk677 or hgh with it?
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    How Much Can I Bulk On First LGD-4033 Cycle?

    Would it be safe for me to bulk approx. 2 pounds a week? I don't have much muscle mass on me and I'm looking to do a clean bulk
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    How Much Can I Bulk On First LGD-4033 Cycle?

    Hi there, I currently weigh 170 pounds, ~14-15% body fat. I was wondering how much weight could I add on with LGD for my first cycle, and how long would I run it for? Also, during PCT (I have clomid prepared), could I continue bulking at a lower amount? I will be combining this with either...
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