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  1. C

    Cycle Brazilian Man (Sarms SOLO or + Cipio Low 200mg week)

    More ?? Friends, Hydra Dragon P / Fematrope (Woman) / Shild and Reset Dragon P / MK 677 , ??? good products?
  2. C

    Cycle Brazilian Man (Sarms SOLO or + Cipio Low 200mg week)

    ok bro, sarms stack = 20mg RAD + 5mg or 10mg LGD (8 Weeks) + Cardarine 12 Weeks ( 4 week PCT + Tamox or Clomid ). Good? Add MK 447?
  3. C

    Cycle Brazilian Man (Sarms SOLO or + Cipio Low 200mg week)

    I have in hands, testolone RAD 140 + Cardarine + LGD + S4 or OSTA, i have MK447... maybe very hiiight price $$$$$$$
  4. C

    Cycle Brazilian Man (Sarms SOLO or + Cipio Low 200mg week)

    25 years my bro My shape today! I wait help =D
  5. C

    Cycle Brazilian Man (Sarms SOLO or + Cipio Low 200mg week)

    Sorry my bad english friend, i am new guy in the USA foruns!! rsrssrrs
  6. C

    Cycle Brazilian Man (Sarms SOLO or + Cipio Low 200mg week)

    Training a few years ago, I was mens phisy but I lost many kg in an accident ... but I went back to training and I recovered a lot of muscle, I'll post a photo of mine for you to see, my diet is based on clean food, I do AEJ every day (I like to do) and I train every day in the gym of my...
  7. C

    Cycle Brazilian Man (Sarms SOLO or + Cipio Low 200mg week)

    I want to make a bulking to grow dry with aesthetic quality, I would use the combination of = TESTOLONE RAD 140 10MG-20MG DAY LGD 5MG-10MG DAY GW CARDARINE 20MG DAY 8 or 12 week + 4week or 6 PCT I thought about putting 200mg cypionate week (2X) for 8 weeks. What do you think? What are the...
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