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  1. M

    Raloxifene dosage question?

    Thanks Dylan!!! Love your videos bro!! 🤙🤙
  2. M

    Raloxifene dosage question?

    Thank you everyone!!! I really do appreciate it!!! Lgd- purerawz, dbol - steroidify, just started this cycle 10 days ago. Ai, Raloxifene, Nolvadex coming in tomorrow. I was supposed to run my cycle for 4 weeks!!! Do I just drop everything?
  3. M

    Raloxifene dosage question?

    Solid advice guys!!! Thank you!! 🤙
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    Raloxifene dosage question?

    Hi guys, While on cycle, ( Dbol, Lgd) I noticed after a week my nipples are puffy and sensitive. Read up on taking Raloxifene to help with my problem. So I ordered a bottle 30ml x 30mg, just need to know what's the dosage I should be taking? I did many cycles, this is the first time I...
  5. M

    Test 500 and Propionate advice?

    Thank you guys!! I love the advice you guys always give!!! 💯
  6. M

    Test 500 and Propionate advice?

    Could anyone point me in the right direction to a legit ORAL supplement dealer? I would like to do the oral route if I can, instead of injecting. 🤙🤙 Thanks again!!
  7. M

    Test 500 and Propionate advice?

    Thank you Dylan!!! 🤙🤙
  8. M

    Test 500 and Propionate advice?

    What would be the dosing? Sorry I forgot to ask.
  9. M

    Test 500 and Propionate advice?

    Always appreciate the advice bro!!! Thank you!! 🤙
  10. M

    Test 500 and Propionate advice?

    Hi guys!! I finally got my body fat down currently at 16%, my diet is pretty locked in with some cheat days here and there. I did research and decided to try Test 500, been through the whole sarm phase. I would like to do a cycle of Test. What you guys think? Would like to add size...
  11. M

    Advice on oral steroids!

    Thanks a lot guys!!! Thought about it, gonna really try to get down to 15%!!! Thanks for all the advice!!! 🤙🤙
  12. M

    Advice on oral steroids!

    Thanks a lot guys!!! Always appreciate it, didn't watch that video!! Watched most of your videos tho, they're freaken awesome!!! So what Sarm stack do you guys recommend? Gonna try to get under 15%, that's gonna be the hardest part. 🤣🤣 Thanks again guys!!! 🤙🤙
  13. M

    Advice on oral steroids!

    Hi guys!! I've done 5 cycles of Sarms! From MK2866 to S23. I love the results I've gotten. But I would like to try the next step, I would like to try Oral steroids. I want to add more size to my body from the cycles I've done. Any advice would be great, starting off with which ones are...
  14. M

    Thinking about running S23?

    Copy that!! Thanks again Bro!! I'm excited to start this cycle, gonna see how much more I can push my body!! 😊🤙
  15. M

    Thinking about running S23?

    Is it ok to stack S23 with Rad 140? This would be my 6th sarm cycle. Thanks again guys!!
  16. M

    Thinking about running S23?

    I just purchased some!!! 😊🤞
  17. M

    Thinking about running S23?

    🤙 thanks Bro!!
  18. M

    Thinking about running S23?

    Thanks Dylan, 1 last question, I've had a bad experience with S4! Do I need that for this cycle? Can I switch it out with something else?
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