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  1. J

    Need advice for Ostarine and Cutting

    Thanks for the tips bro! I'll have to order some of the gw-501516 in the next little bit, but it should easily come before the cycle is over.
  2. J

    Need advice for Ostarine and Cutting

    Thanks a lot! Great to finally be happy with the way I look after many years of being super unhealthy. Yeah I switched to a Greyskull LP weight training regimen a month or two ago and I am absolutely loving lifting. I always avoided it in place of cardio as a kid from a sheer lack of...
  3. J

    Need advice for Ostarine and Cutting

    Alright cool, thanks bro. As for a PCT, I ordered a bottle of liquid clomiphene with it, since it was cheap. Is this good, or should I go with something else?
  4. J

    Need advice for Ostarine and Cutting

    Gotcha. Would you recommend I modify my deficit, or is 700 calories still an alright cut while taking ostarine?
  5. J

    Need advice for Ostarine and Cutting

    Hey guys, So I just ordered some Ostarine and I'm super excited to start my first ever cycle! I'm using it for recomposition purposes, but I need some advice when it comes to my bodyfat loss. I was quite fat and have dropped from 32% bodyfat (255 lbs) in November down to 17.5% bodyfat (194 lbs)...
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