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  1. M


    Thanks for the update Apreciate u looking into it
  2. M


    Yeah it can be very difficult specially if you dont know what to expect. In my job, work can vary up to 16+ hrs can be brutal i just have a dofficult time adjusting ,eating and resting during those days. Im still pretty young so is hard to endure and get used to the labor and have the will to...
  3. M


    Yeah im trying to get stronger im sure ill pack some muscle weight thus reducing my body fat. I just have watch what i eat and train properly.
  4. M


    posted on the wrong thread. Anyone can help with erasing posts ? Anyways Hey everyone , just wanted to give this forum page a try been peeping it quite alot, gotten alot of info From many of you. So is my second day on a sarms cycle im taking LGD 4033 10mg & Rad 140 15mg. Is going to be a 12...
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