Well I'm starting the 4th week of tren ace and test prop and nothing's happening I'm going back to the gym tomorrow and see what the guy is saying. I've given it long enough to kick in. The lab is called premier pharmaceuticals.
Which labs are good ? I dont trust the net always think I'm going to get had off. I've been getting it from a local gym. They used to have pro chem which was ok this premier labs I'm not rating it at the moment.
I'm 14.5 stone, pretty lean and i eat clean most of the time I thought it was supposed to start to work at the end of week one. It's from premier labs not premium labs my mistake. Maybe I'm to impatient.
Hi, I'm starting the 3rd week of tren ace 300mg a week, 400mg test prop. Nothing is happening. I wondering if the tren is just weak or fake, it's very light in colour and i know colour isn't a certain indicator. It's from premium labs.any help would be appreciated. Thanks.