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  1. LVX

    Bulk Meat

    I like venison but manly in jerky form. I can't eat that "gamey" flavor over and over again; but if I proper space it in between my usual meats I like it.
  2. LVX

    Bulk Meat

    I go with a local butcher. Better prices than grocery stores around me but I don't know what town?state you are in. Without that info, I'd say maybe Costco or Sam's Club will have the best prices.
  3. LVX

    Breakfast Meal Favorite

    Lol! That makes more sense. Especially sense tomatoes are almost ph neutral.
  4. LVX

    Is a 4 week PCT TRULY long enough for recovery?: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Yes, I did not mean going completely drastic but I understand you having to say that. CYA against people lacking common sense.
  5. LVX

    Breakfast Meal Favorite

    Definitely adding mushrooms to my fav breakfast meal. What is "tomato alk sauteed"? Is "alk" for alkaline?
  6. LVX

    Breakfast Meal Favorite

    Close to 1 of my "everyday" meals. I'm definitely going to add some mushrooms to mine. Sounds good.
  7. LVX

    Is a 4 week PCT TRULY long enough for recovery?: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Can doing a PCT for too long hurt your gains as much as doing a PCT for too short?
  8. LVX

    Breakfast Meal Favorite

    Looking to add some "go-to" breakfast meals into my arsenal. Anyone have a favorite they like? *Preferred noncutting diet but if you have a cutting one that you really like please list. Thanks
  9. LVX

    Capsule SARMs

    Sarms1 source up to standards?
  10. LVX

    Organ ST question

    Thought so just wanted confirmation. Thanks
  11. LVX

    LGD 4033 and GW501516

    Do you have any side effects from the e.n.f? Flatulence, bloating (etc.) from normal food? Only reason I ask is taking liquid SARMS might exacerbate these issues.
  12. LVX

    Organ ST question

    I purchased Organ ST (x2) planning for a future cycle(s). My question: Is Organ ST along the same line as the old school 'cycle assist'. I pose this question as how you would "theoretically" use the product not the quality (it definitely looks like it is better ingredient wise). If it is used in...
  13. LVX

    how to use a oral steroid?

    I was thinking that might be the case barring specific situations.
  14. LVX

    Capsule SARMs

    Are capsule SARMs an actual possibility? Wanting to do a cycle. Haven't done one for 2+ years but never seen capsules until now; only did liquid. I know things have changed but are capsules an actual possibility (especially quality-wise)?
  15. LVX

    workout changes

    I don't know your exact workout schedule or your goals. I have trained the same muscle group 2x a week for a long time and had great results. However, my training has often been 1x a week strength training & 1x a week conditioning (i.e. doing squats, lunges etc 1x a week then also doing box...
  16. LVX

    how to use a oral steroid?

    Side bar question: Do y'all think that SARMs are a better route for explosiveness, agility & functional movement? Steroids are better for body composition?
  17. LVX

    First SARMs cycle for re-comp

    Truth. Recomp has become a go to. I know in the far past before I understood diet, I always wanted to "recomp". Thinking I want to lose a lot of bodyfat and gain a bunch of muscle. Much easier to get to/stay at BF % then add lean muscle.
  18. LVX

    SARMS v Steroids?

    Even worse when I buy my cars. lol
  19. LVX

    SARMS v Steroids?

    Thanks for the advice. I might seem "on the fence" but it's just because I like to do a lot of research and think things through before making my decision. Too many people jump in without proper prep. I want to do this correctly or not at all.
  20. LVX

    Favorite Newly Implemented Biceps Excercise

    To be clear, it is concentric not eccentric. I'd like to try your go-to. I think I understand it but the "back pads" part threw me. Can you elaborate?
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