Sorry stats below
15-20% bf
Goal is to lean down of course until I get to a better BF before trying a mass cycle.
Not new to gear or SARM but new to this stack idea.
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Since my last post a while ago things were a mess and couldn’t keep myself motivated and did not stick to the SARM/Diet and wanted to. Anyways things are better and just order my SARM.
Looking below you will see my stack I idea and going for a Keto style meal plan and if I can stick that and...
Another issue with new order. Just got my SR9009 and is there an easy way to dissolve the about 16th of an inch amount of stuff on the bottom? Plus the S4 is a different color. I mean is the stuff that is not dissolved the product? Kind a waste of money if it is since it's not dissolved. Not...
Just a quick question. The first bottle I opened had all that white crystals and was a greenish color. The one I just opened is blue in color and no crystals at all. This is the first bottle I have had of SR that looked like this. Just wondering if that is ok or a new formula? This is like...
Maybe just in my head but how soon would MK677 begin to kick in? I am just asking because my sleep was for crap last night and I had some crazy dreams. And that is out of the norm for me since I couldn't tell you the last time I remember having a dream. Also, I took it at 6 last night and...
They split my order for me last time, pretty cool except my Bank stopped it and I had to call them and verify SARMSX. Either way I will have it today
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Good stuff, the strength is no joke for sure. Can't wait to start my next cycle next week with SR and GW. I will keep it around the 50mg dose, stack was already not cheap and having to add extra S4 is a problem since I need to buy mk677 every month for the next year. Stuff ain't cheap by no...
All replies taken, thanks. I am not making any excuses by no means, I just need to really stay focused. I am working on my meal plan now and working on getting that dialed in. The gym and workout is not hard for me to dial in, i just need to go in the right direction for what I want to...
Ok, just placed the order for me second cycle it will be a 12 week Six-Pack cycle with MK-677 added. Now, I just ordered the 8wk and will get the other bottles at the end of the month or middle of next month to make it a 12wk cycle. I will also be getting the MK677 at the end of each month. I...
Ok I have decided I am going to run another 16wk cut stack. I will be starting off with Mk677 for a week or two and add in GW, SR and SR. I will be doing the same setup I did the first time which I will lay out below. I know there should be no excuses but I am starting with Mk and starting...
I did a 16wk gw and 12 wk with s4 and some sr in there until I went to get another bottle and the price um how to say it nicely freaking went up a lot from the first and second bottles I got and coukd not afford anymore.
I have put cash a side and will continue to do so till I have the funds...
My trading was fine just didn't eat like I should have. When I get done with The Walking Dead lol I will do some more research.
So MK677 for a year? If I decide to run another cut stack it's fine with a cut stack I think I remember reading that.
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First off I will be done with my first SARM cycle November 4th and it was 16wk cut stack with SR added in. I did not really log like I should have and I am sure results would have been better if I had really stuck to a diet. With that said strength was awesome and with the diet not being quite...
My question is do I need to run any DAA during PCT after running 12 weeks of GW, S4? I just ordered Clomid and have the bottle of GW for Mini PCT but wanted to know if I need to add DAA? I did run SR during this stack also but went to purchase another bottle a couple of weeks ago and it was...
I have been shaking it but today I notice me a layer at the bottom after had been sitting. Well that explains it. Thanks for the help.
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Two questions. What would be the markings on the S4 dropper if upping to 70mg for the rest of my cycle which is 8 more weeks.
Second I'm sure it's ok but the SR has a bunch of stuff floating and will not dissolve. Ok?
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