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  1. T

    Female and sarms

    Ok. What is a good glucose disposal agent to use along side to help put carbs into muscle... ?? Anything recommended??
  2. T

    Female and sarms

    Thank you for that.. are ppl stick recommending N2slin?.
  3. T

    Female and sarms

    So s4, ostarine and gw to start if i wanna build and maintain fat.. then add in mk 677 and sr 9009 how many weeks after i run the s4my main goal is to be shredded at end of 18 weeks with good size.. but i just am coming off a cut so wanted to increase cals some. I thought sr 9009 will help...
  4. T

    Female and sarms

    Mk 2866 at 12.5mg daily. And the sr9009 at 30mg daily.. how long should i run those before switching to s4 and gw to cut.. should i keep the mk2866 on while running the gw and s4 or no.
  5. T

    Female and sarms

    Hi guys im female into lifting heavy. Been on a cut about 8 pound loss.. Down to 124 and 5'6.. i have a vacation in 18 weeks and wanna look awesome.. since im coming off a cut. I wanted to increasw my cals and add somw mass while not gaining much fat.. i was looking into running a stack to help...
  6. T

    Reverse diet womens sarms

    Ok so its best to dose it 5mg every few hrs right.. i couldnt just to 10 10 10 for more convience
  7. T

    Reverse diet womens sarms

    So with the 30mg dosage of stenobolic a day and its 20mg/ml.. thats 1.5ml daily so a bottle will only last 15 days?? Vs a month correct??
  8. T

    Reverse diet womens sarms

    Ok great. Thanks..
  9. T

    Reverse diet womens sarms

    Perfect thanks dylan.. so i should not experience rebound decreased metabolism after discontinuing these as long as im still active and keep up my exercise.. i think this stack will help me alot--
  10. T

    Reverse diet womens sarms

    Thanks for this.. im limited on cash to spend so i was looking into the stenobolic for sure as it will help my slowed metabolism.. do i need rhis the full 3 months or is 1-2 good enough to reap thr benefits of increasing metabolism.. also what happens after discontinuing this does my metabolism...
  11. T

    Reverse diet womens sarms

    Hey guys.. question.. so i have leaned out greatly. About 10.7% bf, 127 pounds and have veins popping everywhere and LOVE it.. however im not where i wanna be yet. But feel i need to reverse and want to gain minimal fat while putting on some lean mass while reversing back to my maintence...
  12. T

    New to forum and SArMs

    Not sure if u can see the changes well here or not.. but in person much better.. not super noticeable but I feel good.. no vision side affects yet tho.. is that normal.
  13. T

    New to forum and SArMs

    Ok so I just got done with week 4 on the triple stack.. bf has went down 1.7% this month.lbm had increased 3 pounds. Wt is up.. more vascular aND more definition. Adjusted my macros.. and so excited to really step it up and see the next 8 weeks!!! Oh and my strength is up alot.. m pushing...
  14. T

    New to forum and SArMs

    I did the link that Dylan gave me.. it says maintence 2274 and fat loss 1819 cal.. I'm currently taking in 1650 so already below the fat loss calories.
  15. T

    New to forum and SArMs

    Ok I'm thinking I'm still eating too much..I'm 5'6 26 female. At 139. Cardio is 30ish min 4 x week make sure to burn at least 300cal each session.. and I recently added a stair session of 20 min. My main vacation is in 11 weeks. Uti have one in 6 weeks so am trying to move a bit of weight...
  16. T

    SARMS for women

    Hey with ur girl.running thr triple.stack and losing all that how long did she run it for. I'm in week 3 starting week 4 of the triple stack and my weight is going up.. any advise would be great.. how was her diet and cardio.
  17. T

    New to forum and SArMs

    So I have now been on sarms triple stack 3 weeks. Wt has increased. Body fat down 1%. No measurement changes and to me I don't look different in thr belly section. I am stronger I feel. I look more vascular. Also a muscle increase.. I do not feel as if these are working to help lean me out as...
  18. T

    New to forum and SArMs

    I have exactly 8 weeks till vacation. I would definitely like to lean out more.. I am trying to get pics posted on here to get feedback etc
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