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  1. Z

    Question to Dylan

    I think 16 weeks is a lot. What do you think Dylan ?
  2. Z

    Question to Dylan

    I will like to do test and eq what should the dose be like and also pct
  3. Z

    Question to Dylan

    To get a very good quality mass muscle
  4. Z

    Question to Dylan

    hi dylan i will like to know the best compound for a 2nd steroid cycle i am 28 years old 5.8 tall i have about 12% bodyfat i have been training for 7 years now i have experience with lgd 4033 , s4 and test. what will you suggest and also what will the pct be like. My goals is to get a clean...
  5. Z

    Sarms ?

    What about pct? What should it look like and how long
  6. Z

    Sarms ?

    Hi everyone I am about to start my first sarms cycle. (lgd 4033. solo) please I would like to know if I need to run it with Exemestane? How do I dose Exemestane on This cycle and what should my pct be on this lgd only cycle
  7. Z

    Are sarms any good

    Hi my name is Ray i am 28. I have been training for 6 years now I have a serious question. Is there any sarms that can help me put on lean dry mass ? If so, please can someone educate me
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