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  1. W

    New here? Read this. Been here? Ready it anyway.

    havnt introduced myself yet so first tings first I'm glad to have found isarms. Lots of knowledgeable vets with experience and no bullshit filled advice just straight forward facts all in order to help the next guy. I'm 28 and on just began my 5th cycle and will be sharing all necessary info...
  2. W

    Need some recent reviews

    for sure! you can count on it, fulls stats and cycle+PCT and diet. started yesterday so i'll get on that without further jacking this thread
  3. W

    Need some recent reviews

    Just received my latest order today, love pharmacom because the quality is top notch across the board
  4. W


    Yikes. I'm 28, about to start my 6th cycle and it'll be my first time stacking. I'll let the wise men speak but please reconsider for you're own good
  5. W

    My experiences with trenbolone: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    I'll have to do what cbbram said because the link keeps freezing on me. Thanks in advance for the video as I always love to hear an honest experience with tren from a credible source. Actually been reconsidering doing tren on my next cycle
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