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  1. joshuadale19

    The Esters of Sustanon 250 Explained: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Is pinning EOD too often? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. joshuadale19

    Nectar of the Gods

    [emoji48][emoji48][emoji48] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. joshuadale19

    Nectar of the Gods

    Fuck.... Phantom is intense as shit!! Will there be other custom blends?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. joshuadale19

    Major PIP or infection pain?

    Ehhh you gotta try everything twice right?? That's how you know you really really don't like it. No but really it's probably Doctor time. Like I said above, my shallow injection hurt like a bitch, made half my ass cheek swell up and get hard, red, and hot. But I don't believe I ever ran fever or...
  5. joshuadale19

    Major PIP or infection pain?

    I think it depends on who makes it and how it's made. I've used sust 400 before. My first injection was terrible but it was too shallow. From there on out glutes and quads I would get a little sore but nothing like that first time. I would run the same blend in again in a heartbeat...... But I'm...
  6. joshuadale19

    Idiotic Cliche

    This is absolutely true. I have yet to cut down ultra lean, but when my wife competed at the Branch Warren two years ago I thought she had a blocky looking core. She was always killing obliques. It makes sense now.
  7. joshuadale19

    44 is a window licker

    Bro your posts make me wonder why I'm sitting here on my phone instead of going round two of wrecking havoc in the gym Truly inspirational especially for a man on the younger end of the spectrum. I'm 27. Mentally and physically in the best shape I've ever been in, (except when the Corps had me...
  8. joshuadale19

    Understanding AAS "The How & Why": Quality Noob Must Read

    Alright well I'm subscribed to it now so that's good enough. I appreciate it 44
  9. joshuadale19

    Understanding AAS "The How & Why": Quality Noob Must Read

    This is good stuff. Is there a way to bookmark a thread so you can come back to it without having to remember the name and search?
  10. joshuadale19

    When why and how I started using gear

    That's all true brother. You're a wise man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. joshuadale19

    When why and how I started using gear

    I wish I could have read this when I first started. I have that similar mindset now where everything must be perfect or I'm not gonna waste my time but I wish it was there in the beginnings. Great write up brother. Like said above every kid asking about a first cycle should read this thread...
  12. joshuadale19

    sarms cycle

    I'm not Dylan not am I an expert on sarms, but I'd say 10 pounds in 4 weeks is reachable. The key is going to be a proper diet bro. With a good workout regimen, a proper diet and a good sarms stack those goals should be attainable. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. joshuadale19

    Man... escaped serious injury today by a inch Bros

    Bro that could've been a really bad day. Glad it turned out alright. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. joshuadale19

    First Cycle Suggestion

    EQ is great, but let it come a little farther down the road after some experience. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. joshuadale19

    cycle help and questions

    But really bro there is so much good information on this forum. You really need to spend your time educating yourself. Everything you need to know is on here somewhere and if it isn't then someone will happily fill in the blanks. Most of us got started using gear in a dangerous or harmful way...
  16. joshuadale19

    cycle help and questions

    Dylan is gonna have a time with this one.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. joshuadale19

    The Phantom and The 44

    This thread got deeeeep. Haha but NY sounds like my kinda guy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. joshuadale19

    The Phantom and The 44

    We need a more active forum! Gotta rally the clans and get that number up so this ship can sail. 40 more to go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. joshuadale19

    Sarms following steroid cycle

    I ran a 15 week sustanon and deca cycle. Then the platinum PCT. so that's four weeks on them therefore I can run ostarine another 8 weeks and GW another 12 correct? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. joshuadale19

    Sarms following steroid cycle

    Hey guys I've got another question. I've just finished the post cycle y'all recommended. I wondering if I can continue running the cardarine and ostarine? If so, at what dosage and for how long can I run it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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