You should! Fighting is so much fun and empowering. But I'd start doing Jiu Jitsu before going to mma. Having a good ground game is a great advantage against your opponents. :)
You should!!! Fighting is fun and empowering. I'd start with some Jiu Jitsu first, before starting MMA. Having a good ground game is a great advantage. ;)
One last question, will this stack help me with definition? I've added some pictures to an album on my profile for reference.. Right now I'm 147lb and 5'3", which is pretty heavy for my height. While I know I have a great amount of muscle, I also have a good amount of fat that I need to...
I am a female fighter and I'm cutting weight for a fight coming up in 3 weeks and I need to drop about 12lbs (same day weigh in). I'm very strong and muscular and I know from previous experiences that dropping this amount of weight without getting a chance to rehydrate makes me weak. Given...