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  1. J

    4 days off of LGD

    Hey guys, I was 2 months into my LGD cycle and had one more to go. I dropped my 3rd lgd bottle and broke it. I immediately ordered a new one but it won’t be here until tomorrow. By the time I get to do another dose of my LGD it will be 4 or 5 days since my last dose. How bad will that effect my...
  2. J

    LGD-4033 Post Cycle advice

    You're the guy they talk about! The Legend!! I'm going to be honest, I don't know much about any of this stuff. What do you mean by "50/25/25/25"? also, how long should i take these for? Thanks
  3. J

    LGD-4033 Post Cycle advice

    Alright, sweet. how many millagrams do you think?
  4. J

    LGD-4033 Post Cycle advice

    I took 12.5 mg a day. So many people have came up to me saying how much bigger I've gotten. I'm a short stocky wrestler, started at 135, now im 145. Felt pretty good throughout the cycle as well. Definitely recommend it! All I'm worried about now is not losing my gains
  5. J

    LGD-4033 Post Cycle advice

    Hey guys, I'm new to this website. Anyways, I have a few days left in my 3 month Ligandrol cycle and was wondering if you guys could tell me what I should start taking so that I don't lose any of the muscle that I gained or feel like crap. By the way, I'm 19, weigh about 145 now and this was my...
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