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  1. D

    Workout routine

    I'm pretty good on my nutrition, but there is always room for improvement. The workout plan I am looking for is for bulking, but mainly to keep things interesting and add something to look forward to, experiment with and bring new vigor to my weight lifting experience. I looked at the videos by...
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    Workout routine

    I have been doing the body beast workout program for several years now, I have been making modifications here and there changing things up and getting results from it. I liked it because it says do these exercises with this long of rest periods so I know exactly which workouts to do before I get...
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    So the real question is, should one worry about over training on cycle? Your physical capabilities have increased, should you increase the workload, should you add more sets if you can?
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    I think my intensity level goes up off cycle because I'm trying to match what I used to do, but I usually work out for roughly an hour with 60 sec rest periods. When on cycle I feel like I could work out all day and not get tired. When on cycle after the work out I feel like I can do more. When...
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    Last time I was on cycle I felt like I could do a few more exercises because I was not getting tired. Some websites say natural bodybuilders should do less work in the gym.
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    The goal is to bulk.
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    Is there a difference in workout plans/routines for body building when on cycle vs pct vs off cycle.
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    Intermittent fasting facts and fiction explained: by RickRock

    Thanks for the info, really helpful
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    Intermittent fasting facts and fiction explained: by RickRock

    Is it still fasting if you take medications, vitamins, or sarms during a fast?
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    Arachidonic acid

    Anyone have an opinion or experience with arachidonic acid?
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    I have been taking sr9009 for 2 months, and I feel there is very little benifit to taking this, does anyone else feel this way? I would use cardarine instead because it actually has good results.
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    Intermittent fasting facts and fiction explained: by RickRock

    I have a question. I work out at the end of the day after my 12 hour shift, then I go to bed. Is it ok for me to fast at the end of the day? This would mean I would not have a post workout protein shake, and I would not have protein before I sleep.
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    Time restricted eating and bulking

    I'm going to try it. I am wrapping up my cut cycle, and I'm going to try it through pct and up until my next bulk. I think I could get away with doing it the first 1/4 or 1/3 of the bulk, but it will be hard to eat all those calories, but it seems like conventional ideas are out the window, and...
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    Time restricted eating and bulking

    The studies show that time restricted eating produces a decrease in bf and an increase in muscle mass, and it seems useful for cutting. Has anyone had experience with TRE , and would it be useful for a bulk?
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    Question on Cardarine

    Gw helps a whole lot with endurance, but it's almost like it's not activated until you put in endurance work. For me, I don't get any strength increase, but when you are done with your lgd, you will miss the endurance you had and gw will help with the transition as well as reduce cortisol levels...
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    As I'm cutting, my six pack looks better some days than others, I feel if my muscles were less flat my six pack would poke through better
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    I ran through my macros again, and I have been shorting my carbs a bit too much, thanks for responding and letting me know it's pretty normal
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    I have been on a calorie restricted low carb diet for cutting for several weeks. When I was bulking my muscles were pumped and full, but as I'm stripping away the layers of fat, my muscles are looking flat and I'm looking skinny, I'm 6'2" at 205 now, approximately 12% bf. Is it the carb...
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    Cheat meal

    I'm just trying to get beach ready maybe 10% bf. I have been using the cheat meal once per week with good success. I'm down 20lbs for 4 weeks, I believe a good chuck of it was water as well as fat. It seems like adding the cheat does not slow down the fat burning process, but I usually make sure...
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    Cheat meal

    During a caloric deficit, many recommend 1 cheat meal once per week. When having the cheat meal, should one still be in a calorie deficit for the day, or is it ok for the cheat meal to bring one's calories at maintenence?
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