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  1. F


    I just wanted to cover all bases lol I have found that letrozole is hard to come by. I believe you that it is pure quality, I have bought sarms from sarmsx before and have had nothing but good results. Just wanted to get facts from everyone before purchasing! Thanks for the insight!
  2. F


    Same with the letrozole? I see on sarmsx it is 2.5mg/1 mL..isn't the most you want to dose with that is 1mg right?
  3. F


    Is there a difference between the liquid clomid, nolvadex, etc and the tablet form?
  4. F


    Here is the video..
  5. F


    On one of Dylan's videos he said that this would be a good bulking stack. Tbol, Rad-140, and LGD. He said the rad would create a test base and lgd would help with size.
  6. F

    Hello, cannot get a price list from you please? Thank you!

    Hello, cannot get a price list from you please? Thank you!
  7. F


    Sorry I don't want to use injectable a so I was going to do a sarm/tbol combo. I was planning on using Rad-140, LGD, SR9009, MK2866, and s4 and then use a proper pct of course.
  8. F


    This would be my first cycle. I really don't want to use injectable a so I was going t
  9. F


    My name is Quentin and I'm 25 years old. My stats: 5'7 180 lbs 10% body fat I work out about 5 times a week and have been training for about 6 years. I have been following Dylan on YouTube for a while now and love his content and information. :)
  10. F


    Thanks! Good to be here!
  11. F


    Is anyone aware of any domestic sources for legit Turinabol?
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