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  1. D

    Anyway to stop ankle from cracking?

    That’s me too bro. I can never sneak up on anyone haha. Did the same thing to both ankles in high school playing basketball. They crack like a motherfu*ker with every step.
  2. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Great! thanks man!
  3. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Basically what I’m asking is, is 100mg in your opinion the most optimal? Obviously if the user can do without side effects.
  4. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Hey Dylan, just re-reading your S4 protocol and thinking I should go to 100mg. Since I hit 70mg a day at around week 6 I have had zero night vision issues. Up until that point I had a difficult time adjusting light to dark but now that’s gone, as if my body has gotten use to the S4. As mentioned...
  5. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Currently at 80mg a day and I’ve been at this point for a few days now. This was a slight bump up from 75mg the last two week. The only side effect still is dry eyes. 0 yellow tint issues and 0 night vision issues. When my eyes are dry I just wear glasses and I’m fine. The last 5 days I’m really...
  6. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Definitely, I went up from 65ish to 75mg. I’ve really only had the side effect (be it minor) in my left eye. I wear contacts and my left eye has always been weaker and always drier than my right eye. So far in very dark environments that eye has struggled a bit and has been a lot drier. Not...
  7. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Did my first spin class while on this cycle. Was doing a class once a week on the weekend before the start of the cycle but just haven’t had time lately. Today was my first day dosing at 75mg and it was pretty noticeable how dark the class was. It’s been like that every increase though. I’ve...
  8. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Down about 4 lbs in a month. I’m 6’3 200 right now. Eating 3,060 calories a day. Goal isn’t too much weight loss. Trying to add some strength and lean out at 195-200lbs.
  9. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Great, thanks!
  10. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Right now I’m soon to wrap up my 4th week and looking at bumping up the dose again. I know with S4 it’s a week by week thing depending on the side effects. Right now I don’t plan on buying anymore than I have but that could change. I’m trying to plan out the rest of this cycle with the dosing...
  11. D

    Chinnigods Superman Stack

    That’s a hell of a stack. Looking forward to the results.
  12. D

    New Member Log - Power Lifting Focus

    S4 sides haven’t been bad for me. I’m on my third week 60-65mg a day right now. Worst part of it is in complete darkness, my weaker eye can’t adjust to the pitch black. If there is even a slight bit of light in the room it’s totally fine.
  13. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Biggest change I’ve noticed so far on S4 is the little chronic muscle sores I’ve had in my forearm/biceps for the last 2 months are subsiding greatly. Also the recovery is insane. Go hard and hardly feel sore. Felt an early increase in strength in the first week that has since leveled out. Had a...
  14. D

    Best Supplements for Pumped and Full Look

    Yo I can second this. I was getting insane pumps with this. That pre workout and some creatine and you’re good
  15. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Hey guys weird side effect yesterday. I heard Yanny, should I be concerned? Hahaha
  16. D

    Importance of Fasting/GW501516

    Never tried. Maybe something to consider. Good to know it helped you. Nice share OP
  17. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Slept great last night. Might have been too much caffeine a little later than normal.
  18. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Yeah I think it was my mind just racing last night
  19. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Same here. Just finished my bulk so I will be slowly taking calories down and along with the S4 and GW I’m hoping get lean and add some vascularity. Just did my 4th does (2nd day of S4) I did have trouble falling asleep last night but I think that was just my nervous since I’ve never cycled...
  20. D

    S4 and GW501516

    Great thanks!
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