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  1. M

    Cyber Monday?

    This question is primarily for dylan/rickrock....I was wondering if you could give us a heads up as to if there will be any deals during the holiday season? as some of our wallets get tighter this time of year. Thanks
  2. M

    Prostate supplement?

    Thanks for the replies!
  3. M

    Prostate supplement?

    Im trying to see if someone on here has tried or knows a good brand? .A friend of mine is having issues with his. (Prostatitis)
  4. M

    Ostarine for women

    Hey Bros...just need some bullet points or some trusty links where I can find more Info on taking ostarine for women....any personal input would be appreciated.
  5. M

    SR9009 in PCT?

    Everyone always suggests using GW during pct...what are your thoughts on using SR instead?
  6. M

    Shelf life?

    Thanks for the quick response man!
  7. M

    Shelf life?

    What is the shelf life/expiration for the research chems from sarmsx?..In particular their clomid. thanks
  8. M


    So im coming off a long cut....I did a cycle of ostarine at the beginning of my cut about four months ago for about six weeks just to maintain/boost stamina/endurance....Im currently on keto and using Gw and have been getting great results....Now I want to start reverse dieting out of my...
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