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  1. cock_diesel

    The eagle has landed

    That's the plan bud. And Pharmacom? For some reason I'm leaning more towards ZPHC than them. Pharmacom's Deca 600 is just more for your buck. Only reason it stands out to me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. cock_diesel

    The eagle has landed

    Haha funny that you say that. Just ordered one bottle of SP test E last night to test out and Vermodje naposim dbol. Placing an order Friday for some ZPHC test, Deca, and dbol. Tired of getting fucked with bs gear and ZPHC seems gtg from the research I've done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. cock_diesel

    The eagle has landed

    Thinking of giving radjay a shot myself. Is it true Vermodje and Radjay are made by the same company? I read that somewhere not long ago. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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