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  1. H

    Good News... ALL VIDEOS WILL BE RETURNING... Read to find out...

    Can't wait! All the very best with the new platform!!
  2. H

    Generic HCG question

    haha thank you!
  3. H

    Generic HCG question

    :) this reminds me of your sentence that you've used a number of times.. "Can you? Ofcourse you can, *you can do whatever you want*...but the question is should you? NO!" 😄 I'm gonna listen to you bro you've been doing this for a long time and there's a reason why you've been suggesting this...
  4. H

    Generic HCG question

    You've always been great at getting the message across! I only wanted to check out what more I could do (or see if adding a week would be more beneficial) as a number of people, not realising the side effects, also take it throughout the cycle(not suggesting anyone should do it). Thank you man...
  5. H

    Generic HCG question

    Hi guys, First of all, thank you all the moderators and everyone involved for helping everyone out here! Now guys, I know HCG should be taken the last 4 weeks of your cycle right up until PCT and the recommended dose is 1000iu a week. However, I have the standard amount of Hcg vial that comes...
  6. H

    Stretch Marks

    I got a lot of them about 7,8 years ago when all I used to do was dirty bulking like a maniac. Proper diet, nutrition, years of use of bio oil & vitamin E may have helped them fade a tiny bit or helped made them appear not as prominent but they never went away completely.
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