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  1. 1959er

    Question -- TRT blast

    Thank you gentlemen! Much appreciated.
  2. 1959er

    Question -- TRT blast

    Hey Guys, I've completed a 12 wk blast of Test Cyp. 400/wk (split doses 200X2/wk) / Aromasin -12.5 EOD Quick question gents: I am on doctor prescribed TRT. I get labs done for my Urologist at the end of April and want to ENSURE that I am back to my TRT levels which for me are: Total...
  3. 1959er

    Aromasin CAPSULES

    Thanks brother!
  4. 1959er

    Aromasin CAPSULES

    350mg Test Cyp/wk & 350 NPP/wk. So for right now, I'm using 25 mg every 3 days as Dylan suggested. (I also have Caber on hand) (P.S. Saiyan -- Love Robo's NPP!)
  5. 1959er

    Aromasin CAPSULES

    Hey Guys, I received my supply of Aromasin from an approved source here on the board. They are 25 mg capsules. Quick question - Ideally, I want to split does them into 12.5 mg to take EOD, but can that be successfully done with capsules? Has anyone had success doing this? What is the best...
  6. 1959er

    Intermittent fasting facts and fiction explained: by RickRock

    Joe, you are close to the protocol already. I drink black coffee (no cream or sugar), and water all morning during my fasted window. My workout is 12 noon. (I do have some BCAA's before the workout but im still considered the be in a fasted state according to the protocol) Then my feeding window...
  7. 1959er

    Intermittent fasting facts and fiction explained: by RickRock

    Ditto Rick! That's me almost to a tee! Love that meal that breaks the fast after the workout.
  8. 1959er

    Intermittent fasting facts and fiction explained: by RickRock

    Great stuff Rick. I've been IF'ing for 6 years now (16/8 leangains style). I used to be committed to 6-8 meals a day for 30 years! I have more energy and stength now training fasted than I did with three meals under my belt before my workouts. And on a side note, pulsing all those meals every...
  9. 1959er

    How long between Sarms cycle if on TRT?

    Cool! Thank you gentlemen!
  10. 1959er

    How long between Sarms cycle if on TRT?

    I know there's no pct needed for sarms while on trt, but how long of a break is needed between sarms cycles before doing another sarms cycle. I'm wrapping up an LGD/S-4 cycle next week and it's been amazing! SarmsX is the real deal!
  11. 1959er

    TRT and high Free Testostrerone

    Good word from experience there bro Thank you.
  12. 1959er

    TRT and high Free Testostrerone

    Rick, I don't know where my estrogen levels are. And I am not taking an AI. I've not felt any gyno effects at 200mg/wk. That idea of low shbg has me curious though. My Doc doesn't test for any of that. Perhaps I should request it next go-around if free test is still high? Thx Rick
  13. 1959er

    TRT and high Free Testostrerone

    Hey Guys, Rarely post here, but love this site and visit pretty much every day. Thank you Dylan for being such a class act and such a help to so many. About me: 57 yr/old Heavy weight lifter, almost 40 years (still squatting 495 weekly) 5' 11" / 225 lbs (BF...
  14. 1959er

    Last day of LGD cycle

    Thank you Mont, Rick & Dylan! That clears up my confusion. And thank you also for the encouragement and for the advice for my next stack! Can't wait!! You guys Rock!
  15. 1959er

    Last day of LGD cycle

    Hey guys, Awesome forum! First time poster. I'm about to wrap up a 12 week run of LGD (from Sarmsx) as a stand alone, and wanted to share a few of my thoughts as well as ask one question. As you may have surmised by now (by my username), I'm no spring chicken. (I'll be 57 in October). Been...
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