Thanks NY ROBO, I will def read up like crazy and especially consider those two recommendations :) And while NY is def awesome and unique, Im dying to move to Cali! lol :p
You guys are awesome for all this great information. I'm def not some lazy fatass (at least ive been doing my squats with weights lol!) so I'm excited to get my ass moving again and work out my entire body. :) I will read into everything you all have recommended!
Yes I totally agree about the need to workout, I'm just relieved that on the diet side I've learned to really limit my carbs which is a great improvement. The clen has been a BIG concern for me and I felt the same with what everyone here has expressed so thank you for confirming what a shitty...
Hello there! Yes I've definitely heard about the risks of clen, which is why I feel so hesitant about it. I would definitely stop the adderal or just reduce my dose but if you think even 5mg of adderal (max) a day is a bad idea, than I will definitely take that into consideration and withhold...
I have been dieting for some time now but the working out definitely needs to begin, lol. As for how you feel in terms of when I should start, that's kind of why I am trying to educate myself on it. And again, regarding the question, there was a reason why I said I felt weird asking butttt, I'm...
Hey everyone, I'm new here and I definitely have some important questions.
I'm a 26 year old female and I just purchased mk677 as well as clen. I am not entirely sure if I want to start the clen because from what I've read about it, I'm a little worried about the side effects; then again, all...