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  1. H

    New injectable blends products. Pharma Lady

    dosage = 2ml per week total? I'm asking because I have seen some crazy dosages guides other places for this product. One site stated to inject 1ml daily...that is crazy. That puts the test cyp alone to almost 600mg per week.
  2. H

    New injectable blends products. Pharma Lady

    What is the dosing and administration schedule for the equi-test 525?
  3. H

    3rd cycle advice

    In week 8 right now. Good results...very nice cycle. Thank you Dylan & PL!
  4. H

    3rd cycle advice

    Thanks Dylan. BTW took Organ ST for the first time yesterday...went to take a piss and thought I had ate a yellow highlighter. Thanks for the great service & product as always.
  5. H

    3rd cycle advice

    If taking the oral form of winstrol should it be split in to 2 doses per day?
  6. H

    3rd cycle advice

    Thanks for your help DG.
  7. H

    3rd cycle advice

    40yrs 175 lbs 10-12%BF 1st cycle - Test Cyp only 10 weeks 2nd cycle - Test Cyp only 12 weeks Was thinking about test + anavar or winstrol for 3rd cycle. Looking to do a "shorter" cut cycle a bit while maintaining strength and size. Any recommendations on which pair and proper layout?
  8. H

    Test/EQ cycle

    Thank you for the help. Sorry for the basic question but I just don't trust the bro-science using google
  9. H

    Test/EQ cycle

    TestCyp 350/wk EQ 600/wk Question: Ok to administer on the same days? Twice per week for the EQ as well? Like this? Tues & Friday TestC @ 175 EQ @ 300 Thanks
  10. H

    BF question

    Still happening. Sometimes when I click to reply, sometimes when I click to view a thread. I'm using chrome.
  11. H

    BF question

    Thanks for the answer Evox. Sorry DG, I have a hard time finding things on this site using the search feature. For the record, I did use the search as I do before most of the questions I post. I guess I'm just not very adept at using it. And I keep getting logged out of the forum. Been...
  12. H

    BF question

    What is the reason for low bf before using gear? Does bf have an effect on estrogen conversion? Just curious and never knew the reason.
  13. H

    2nd cycle advice

    My strength gains were great. I didn't gain a ton of mass but it wasn't my goal. This time around my I am going to put more focus on size but I like to stay lean. Going to grab the EQ so I have it but haven't made a final decision to use it yet. Like I wrote in the initial post, most of my...
  14. H

    2nd cycle advice

    Thanks bud
  15. H

    2nd cycle advice

    Thanks DG. What would the test/deca cycle look like?
  16. H

    2nd cycle advice

    Got it EZ. Thanks
  17. H

    2nd cycle advice

    During last cycle consumed 200-400 cals over maintenance which for me is around 3000/day. After my PCT was complete I ate at +1000 (4,000) cals for 2 months. I began cutting 2 weeks ago to drop bf% to prepare for 2nd cycle.
  18. H

    2nd cycle advice

    What would the 2 layouts be? Test/Deca 1:1? Test/Eq ?
  19. H

    2nd cycle advice

    What are your thoughts on a test only for 14-16 wks instead of 12wks? During my first cycle it seemed like the results were just beginning to roll in and then my cycle was over. Thanks for the input guys.
  20. H

    2nd cycle advice

    Trying to plan a second cycle and looking for advice. First cycle was test cyp @ ~400/wk for 12wks. Everything went smooth, no issues other than I felt that most of the gains were coming right as the cycle ended (wks 8-12). I gained a lot of strength and was able to hold on to most of it...
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