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  1. D

    Going Tren for the first time... which lab?

    Do you mean that in a good way? Like ridiculously good or that they were useless? Might be a stupid question, English is not my main language.
  2. D

    Going Tren for the first time... which lab?

    Guys, I am not asking if I should do tren or not, I am asking what lab to go with, but since you persist.. Age: 34 Weight: 85kg (around 180 pds) Height: 178cm (5"11) BF: Around 12-14% Blood is good. Started on year around T (high dose trt if you will) about 4 years ago, usually around 200mg...
  3. D

    Going Tren for the first time... which lab?

    I have decided to try the steroid that everyone is talking about, trenbolone. I have been a bit reluctant to mess around with it, but now I feel that I am ready to give it a try. Needles to say, I am going on a LOW dose of tren ace, being its my first time and all. I am aiming for 8 weeks with...
  4. D

    1.125 inch needle, test dripping out???

    Thanks for the replies guys! I might start injecting in my thighs instead, easier to control anyways.
  5. D

    1.125 inch needle, test dripping out???

    Ok, so I inject in my butt cheek like most of us. I use a fairly long needle since there is a small layer of fat in the butt cheeks and I want to make sure to get it in the muscle. Anyways, usually after I finished injecting and pull out the needle there is a drop of blood coming out...
  6. D

    Does light cardio after workout destroy gains?

    Ok, this could be a stupid question, but you all know how much BS there is online about weightlifting and gaining muscle. Now, I need to add some cardio to loose some BF, the problem is time. When do I have time? Right after working out, especially now after intensifying my workouts with...
  7. D

    What do you think of this workout split?

    Thanks man! Yeah, 5 days on, 1 day off, BUT I will listen to my body (or at least try to :P ). If I need to throw in an extra rest day somewhere, I will. I most probably will have to do that anyways since my gf isn't all that happy about me spending so much time at the gym and so little time...
  8. D

    What do you think of this workout split?

    Yeah, I have been thinking about this back and forth and for me personally, I get much better results when I go HEAVY on legs but not as often. By doing this I am able to do some nice gains, especially on the deadlift and even on the squat although its not in focus. Its just the opposite for the...
  9. D

    What do you think of this workout split?

    Just looking for some input here. Upper body muscle groups twice a week, heavy legs and lower back once a week (6 days). The idea is not training upper body more than 2 days in a row without some kind of rest in between. The workouts should be fairly fast (under 60 min) with low rest time in...
  10. D

    T-Bol, did I get duds?

    Maybe. At least I got the stuff from a great supplier ;) Gonna get tren next time though. I really wanna feel that I'm on something.
  11. D

    T-Bol, did I get duds?

    Thanks for all the answers guys. So I finished the first bag (100 pills) i.e. 20 days of t-bol and I've not noticed any difference except some problems sleeping. I am not going to out the supplier since they've always treated me good, but I will say that the T-bol was the orange 10mg pills from...
  12. D

    Do you do this? honest!

    well, at least im not the only one :)
  13. D

    Do you do this? honest!

    So I did chest and triceps yesterday. The crappy gym I train at is mostly for normal people who wants to "get fit" and I am probably one of the biggest guys there. So, I started my chest workout heavy as I usually do. First exercise was dumbbell presses so I picked up the 120lbs dumbbells that I...
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    T-Bol, did I get duds?

    Will do if I remember to. My memory is kind of bleh. Wish there was some kind of steroid that would help out with that :P
  15. D

    T-Bol, did I get duds?

    Ok guys, thanks for the answers!
  16. D

    T-Bol, did I get duds?

    I hope that you are right. How long was your cycle?
  17. D

    T-Bol, did I get duds?

    Assuming that everything is on point, should I have noticed something after 10 days?
  18. D

    T-Bol, did I get duds?

    Hi! I started my first ever T-bol cycle about 10 days ago, 50mg/day + 400mg T cyp e6d for 6 weeks. Maybe my expectations were unrealistic, but I was hoping to be able to put on at least 5-6 pounds of muscle with this cycle. Well, its been 10 days which is a third of the cycle and I dont...
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